Hero Skills
As the game expands over time, we will add more types of Skills to heroes, generally grouped by their Role type.
Basic Attack
The Basic Attack is a hero’s most frequent action in battle. The type of attack they use/damage they deal (Physical/Magical/Machine) is based on their Class (Warrior/Mage/Engineer). This attack is triggered automatically as explained in the the Attack Pattern section below.
Batte Skill 1
Battle Skill 1 is automatically triggered at certain points in battle. Skills can be attacks on the enemy teams, healing actions, buffs to your teammates, debuffs to enemies, or combinations thereof.
A hero’s Battle Skill 1 is determined by the combination of their Affinity, Class and Type traits.
Battle Skill 2
Functionally, Battle Skill 2 is the same as Battle Skill 1, but is used less frequently in battle and is generally more powerful. Skills can be attacks on the enemy teams, healing actions, buffs to your teammates, debuffs to the enemies, or combinations thereof.
A hero’s Battle Skill 2 is determined by the combination of their Type and Weapon traits.
Ultimate Skill
Ultimate Skills are different from the other types of battle skills specified above. These are a hero’s most powerful skills. Each hero has an MP bar (Mana Points), and during the course of battle their MP charges with time. Heroes get a bonus boost of MP when they knock out an opponent, from certain skills or from Fate’s Bonus as described below.
When a hero’s MP bar is full, the player can choose to trigger that hero’s Ultimate. Functionally, these skills can be attacks on the enemy teams, healing actions, buffs to your teammates, debuffs to enemies, or combinations thereof, just like Battle Skills. But as the name implies, Ultimates are the most powerful skills in the game. Additionally, unlike other skills that only trigger when it is a hero’s turn, an Ultimate interrupts the flow of battle and activates instantaneously.
A hero’s Ultimate Skill is determined by the combination of their Affinity, Class and Specialty traits.
Attack Patterns
During Battle, attack proceeds in rounds. During each round, each hero takes one action so long as they are not knocked out. The order in which each hero acts is determined by an Initiative roll at the start of the turn.
When it is a hero’s turn, the action they take is determined by their Attack Pattern. Attack Pattern is set based on Class, so for instance all Warriors share the same Attack Pattern.
Attack Pattern is a looping set of action, where the hero takes one action each time it is their turn. For instance, the Warrior Attack Pattern may look like this:
A, A, A, A, S1, P, A, A, A, S2, P, P, A, A, S1, A, A, A, A, A
Where A stands for Basic Attack, S1 stands for Battle Skill 1, S2 stands for Battle Skill 2 and P stands for Pause.
So given the Attack Pattern above, if it is the first round of battle, all Warriors will use their Basic Attack. If it is the sixth round of battle, all Warriors will Pause (take no action) and if it is the tenth round all Warriors will use Battle Skill 2.
The three classes will have the same distribution of Basic Attacks, Pauses, Battle Skill 1s and Battle Skill 2s in a battle, but the order in which they take those actions will be different.
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