Hero Traits
Each hero has nine immutable traits that determine its utility in LHU. From these nine traits, we derive all of the stats, skills and other information that determine how a specific hero performs in the game.
Rarity Tier
Rarity Tier determines the maximum power level a hero can achieve through play. Rarity Tier is also used to set the size of a hero's print issue (the number of copies of a given hero NFT that are ever made available in the game).
The six Rarity Tiers in LHU are: Starter, Promo, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare, Epic and Legendary. The higher the Rarity Tier of a hero:
The higher its maximum level
The smaller its print issue
FREE Starter Heroes will be available for all players to mint and used immediately in-game. Once a starter hero has hit it's max level, it will be available to trade on the open market.
Affinity is a property that determines a hero's core "element". The five affinities operate together in a "rock-paper-scissors" relationship where certain affinities are stronger or weaker against certain other affinities.
Earth - strong vs Water, weak vs Fire
Fire - strong vs Earth, weak vs Water
Water - strong vs Fire, weak vs Earth
Light - strong vs Dark, weak vs Light
Dark - strong vs Light, weak vs Dark
Each hero has a Focus, which denotes the attack stat in which they are highest. A hero can be Strength Focused, Magic Focused, or Mind Focused. The damage type determines the chance to counter an attack:
When attacked with physical damage, a hero’s chance to parry is determined by their strength. If they parry, they take no damage and deal some damage back to the attacker.
When attacked with magic damage, a hero’s chance to deflect is determined by their mind. If they deflect, they take no damage and return some damage to a random enemy.
When attacked with mechanical damage, a hero’s chance to absorb is determined by their magic. If they absorb, they take no damage and gain some mana.
Heroes also have roles, indicating the skills a hero has and may use. Players can view hero roles and instantly have an idea of that hero’s purpose on the team: attacker, tank, healer, and support.
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