Hero Stats
Each hero will have six stats that will drive the majority of the battle actions. All heroes have all stats, but a hero’s distribution of points across the six stats is determined by their Traits, Level and Evolution Tier. Each stat plays a unique role in combat and it is always a positive outcome to increase a stat. Additionally, the combined stats of heroes on your team are used when determining the outcome of certain role-playing encounters in certain game modes. For instance, you may have a role-playing encounter that asks you to test your Dexterity as you cross a rickety bridge. You need to roll a dice to determine the outcome, and the higher your team’s combined Dexterity stat is, the more likely you are to successfully cross the bridge without taking damage or a negative status effect (debuff). Strength
A hero’s Strength determines the damage they deal when using a Physical attack type. It is also used in Parry rolls to counter Physical attacks.
A hero’s Dexterity is used in Initiative rolls to determine the attack order at the start of each turn. It is also used in Dodge rolls to dodge attacks of all types.
A hero’s health determines their Max HP.
A hero’s Tech stat determines the damage they deal when using a Machine attack type. It is also used in Absorb rolls to counter Magic attacks.
A hero’s Magic determines the damage they deal when using a Magic attack type. It is also used in Deflect rolls to counter Machine attacks.
A hero’s Luck is used in Critical Strike rolls for all attack types. Power
Each hero will have a single Power value that represents their Traits and the sum of all player investment into that character. As a hero increases in Level, advances its Evolution Tier and equips Gear, and increases the level of its Skills, its Power will increase. As Power increases, it will increase a hero’s Stats in ratios determined by their Traits.
Hero Level
Each hero will have a maximum level as determined by their Rarity. When minted, all heroes begin at Level 1. When they are used in a battle which results in a victory, they will earn XP, even if they were knocked out during that battle. Increasing a hero’s level increases its power and stats.
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