Ultimate Skills

Ultimate Skills are different from the other types of battle skills specified above. These are a hero’s most powerful skills. Each hero has an MP bar (Mana Points), and during the course of battle their MP charges with time. Heroes get a bonus boost of MP when they knock out an opponent, from certain skills or from Fate’s Bonus as described below.

When a hero’s MP bar is full, the player can choose to trigger that hero’s Ultimate. Functionally, these skills can be attacks on the enemy teams, healing actions, buffs to your teammates, debuffs to enemies, or combinations thereof, just like Battle Skills. But as the name implies, Ultimates are the most powerful skills in the game. Additionally, unlike other skills that only trigger when it is a hero’s turn, an Ultimate interrupts the flow of battle and activates instantaneously.

A hero’s Ultimate Skill is determined by the combination of their Affinity, Class and Specialty traits.

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